Sunday, September 29, 2013

2013 - Sweeeeeeeet September

If you drive all the way to Race Point at the North end of Cape Cod, you will see this peeking out of the dunes.
With an increased focus on the great white shark population off of the Outer Cape, there is growing apprehension within the seal population about their new scapegoat status.  One seal was overheard on Labor Day weekend lamenting, "It used to be fine when they could make a buck off'a watchin' us sun on da rocks.  We were everybuddy's sweethearts, but then dem Not-So-Great-white sharks found our hideout and now, WE'RE the pariahs?  I tell you, we needta get a clue from our cousin Navy Seals to protect ourselves."  
Cape Cod Seal Militia

September in Eastham means it's time to celebrate our town with the annual Windmill Weekend festivities.  I took my usual volunteer spot selling raffle tickets, but had plenty of time to watch the parade and visit the Sand Art Competition, my two favorite events.

Click to sample the 2013 Eastham Windmill Weekend

Yvonne & Ole at the Highland Light in Truro

Sometimes, if you are very lucky, a vacation comes right to your door, and we definitely got lucky this month when the friends we stayed with in Denmark two Springs ago came for a visit.  After a very busy summer, we happily grabbed our cameras and played tourist for a few days.  We revisited the Edward Penniman House in our neighborhood and learned even more about the famous whaling captain and his family, re-climbed the Highland Light on a gorgeous Fall day for a lofty perspective, walked through Provincetown's smorgasbord of sights and sounds, dined at Arnolds (always rated in the top 10 clam and lobster "shacks" in the country) and then turned over the key to the Harley so our friends could take a riding adventure to Chatham and Brewster on their own.  We ended with some always fine dining at our friends' Red Pheasant restaurant with some of Bill's world-famous duck and killer chocolate bombe.  The best of all was the renewal of a special friendship that doesn't fade despite the wide expanse of ocean between us.     

View of the Highland Links from the top of the lighthouse

The rest of the month flew by as visitors who wait for schools to resume continued to flock to their favorite beaches and shops.  The weather was typically coy, flirting with summer temperatures one week and crisper air the next.  And, happily, NO hurricanes even close this year.  September brought guests from Germany, Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, Wisconsin, Colorado, Florida, Connecticut and Massachusetts, including a special visit from my sister and niece from Amherst.  
Cranberry picking time in Harwich

The roads are calm once again, although it's school buses that stop the traffic now along Route 6.  The tomato and cucumber plants in the garden are spent and pumpkins have replaced watermelons at the store.  Leaves are starting to fall in earnest and the consignment shops are clearing out summer items to make way for sweaters and boots.  As Robert Browning wrote, " I trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility.  Spring shall plant and Autumn garner to the end of time."   Enjoy the transition.
"Pee Wee", the surprise garden pumpkin