This is the time of year when people can get a little testy about the weather. It has snowed or iced more days than not and the snow plow drivers are ecstatic. [See, it's not just formerly snow-deprived kids from south of the Mason-Dixon line who light up when they see the first flake.] So far this year, Eastham has gotten at least 43 inches of snow in 14 snowstorms and like many other communities, we are way over our salt and plowing budget. But, a lot of fisherman and carpenters supplement their income in the winter by plowing. And, it's good for the water table. The ice fishermen are pulling up tasty fish dinners for their families and when the ground is white, one can see the tracks of all the nocturnal critters comings and goings and it's a real party out there around the bird feeders. So, c'mon, put on your snow boots and get in the spirit. You'll be complaining about the heat and beach traffic soon enough.
A gaggle on icy Salt Pond |
From the Huffington Post: IT'S SO COLD THAT...
- An escaped prisoner from the Blackburn Correctional Center in Kentucky turned himself back in after 24 hours of freedom because he was too cold.
- Anana, a 12-year old polar bear at Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo had to be brought into a climate controlled environment because her diet did not include the seal and whale carcasses that she would need to build up the 5" layer of fat that wild polar bears need to battle the -40 below temperatures.
- The bald eagles and African penguins were also taken indoors off-exhibit at the Pittsburgh zoo until the temperatures rose.
- Residents in Ontario have been hearing loud explosions and feeling mild earthquake conditions due to "frost quakes". Cryoseisms occur when water seeps underground and then expands when it freezes.
- In the week leading up to this year's polar vortex, there was a 115-degree difference between Florida and Minnesota.
And, in case you were interested who might be paying you a visit this winter: