Wednesday, April 29, 2020

2020 - SPRING - Nature's Art Museum - Beach Series

Greetings, fellow Social-Distancers! 

With the pandemic cramping our freedom of movement and shrinking our worlds, many people are turning to new forms of creativity for their own amusement, and to share with others. I see art in its natural form everywhere, and best of all, all I have to do is notice it, and it can speak for itself. The beach is always a favorite source, but color, form and subject can be found anywhere. So...

welcome to nature's art museum - the beach series

Rockin' Feather
Smiley Face

Nauset Light Stairway to Heaven

Beach Egg 
Mr. Mustache
Umbrella in the Clouds
Low Tide Without Smell
Yipes, Stripes & Sharks
Love Rocks!

Horseshoe Crab Party

Beach Stripes

 Captured Feather

An Offering to the Ocean

Razor Clam Sam
Orangina Didn't Have Time to Straighten Her Hair
Cape Cod Baylien
Wandering Seaweed 

Norma, The Winged Sea Goddess
Not Flying Too Close to the Sun
Smiling Clams
Cairn Bairn

The Unknown Casualty

Percy Byron Shelley
Sand Scallops [not for human consumption]

Sven, the Swedish Seafood Chef
Impressionism on the Bay
and last, but not least