A friend of mine told me early this Fall that she heard it would be a wicked winter. When we had flurries a few times in November, I started to think she might be right. But, the winter solstice was so mild people brought their shorts back out. It was a short- lived prelude to a snowy Christmas & New Year's Eve, followed by HERCULES, the first super-storm of 2014. But, even Hercules didn't stop visitors from traveling to the Cape. Our Cottage with the gas fireplace continues to be a sought out cozy and safe haven to ride out whatever the Nor'east winds bring us.
With warnings to stay inside out of the wind chill, I reveled in window views. But with guests on the way, I had the perfect excuse to get out and shovel some paths. Ron also gave the new plow a workout, which was plenty of exercise, but a lot easier than the snowblower, which now resides with new owners in Boston. Thank you, Hercules, for helping to justify that expense so quickly.
So, a wicked winter? We're off to a good start: