Monday, January 27, 2014

A Cape January 2014

Winter is the season in which people try to keep the house as warm as it was in the summer, when they complained about the heat. ~Author Unknown

January Face
Yes, I know everyone's tired of the Polar Vortex, but there are still a few unabashed snow lovers out here.  Remember, beach weather will be here in a few short months, but meanwhile, forgive me if I indulge in an exquisite walk through National Seashore trails where the peaceful quiet is unparalleled.  The contrast of fiery, orange sunsets on the deep shadows of snow is stunning.  The bunnies and deer are all tucked away in thickets and couldn't care less about my intrusion.  An owl "who-hoots" as he considers breakfast.  I have successfully avoided working on taxes for another afternoon.
Fort Hill-the antidote for doing taxes

And, just to prove I'm not the only one who enjoys winter weather, I share with his permission, pictures of our guest, James, working on next year's holiday card at Coast Guard Beach.  James wasn't fazed by Hercules, The Blizzard, and was drawn to our Cottage fireplace like a beacon in a storm.  We were wicked-impressed.
Merry Frostbite!

You're probably thinking there couldn't possibly be anything going on here in January, but you would be wrong.  Dead wrong.  When Ron got an invitation to participate in this year's 4th Annual 24 Hour Play Festival in Provincetown, he thought it would be a good idea to hone his craft, meet some new people and hopefully have a good time.  This brilliant idea matches a group of writers, directors and actors, and divides them into groups based on drawing names from a hat.  Once the writers see who their actors are and the mystery props that they must incorporate into their play are unveiled, they have until the next morning to submit an original ten page play.  The director and actors then have until 8 p.m. to rehearse lines and block movements before presenting the work to an audience.  Granted, not all actors were off book by then, but it was a very forgiving audience, ready to have some fun on a chilly night.  The rope, orange and flashlight props were put to good use and dark comedy ruled the evening.  We're a little afraid Ron may be getting typecast as a dead man, but at least they're funny dead men.
Ron in Perfect Love    
and, maybe not so dead?

To view the play: Perfect Love, by Arthur Egeli

Dead is also the chance for the Superbowl for the New England Patriots, soundly beaten by the Denver Broncos only one game away.  We are surely disappointed, but still proud of our boys for coming so far.  The flag flies until the end of the season.   
An unhappy, Tom Brady congratulates the formidable Peyton Manning
No sooner than the remains of Hercules had been scraped, plowed and almost washed away,  "Blizzard II" came on the scene, covering us with another one to two feet of snow, the depth depending on how the winds blew.  We're not sure why this one had no name, but considering the recurring Canadian Clippers on the weather map, "B-II" will most likely be with us into February.  Our generator saves us from joining the water and battery brigades in the stores, but our number one blizzard chore is to make sure the bird feeders are all full.  There is usually a feeding frenzy just before a storm and the feeders are the popular hangout, even mid-blizzard.  We certainly wouldn't want to disappoint them.
Laziest excuse for a snowman, ever.
Two minutes worth of:  BLIZZARD II                       
January's half-dozen B&B guests came for quick winter getaways.  Most stayed close to the fireplace and hot chocolate, but a group of professional photographers braved the gusty cold to add some winter beachscapes to their portfolios.  

The tip of the month is "layers".  Cheers!    

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