Saturday, March 28, 2020

Spring 2020 - A blog about WHAT?!

If anyone had told me that I'd be attempting to write a blog with a pandemic as the subject, I would have summarily dismissed it out of hand. WHY would I EVER want to do that? Yet, here we all are, hunkered down together in the same boat, silently connected and looking for some sense of normalcy. Well, there's nothing normal about any of it, so don't look here for that. We, as B&B hosts, are "non-essentials", and we're just fine with that, very appreciative of the sacrifices of all the designated "essentials", but just trying as "high-risk non-essentials" to stay well and get to host another season.  
As we all are inundated with information from every possible source telling us what we should and shouldn't do to stay healthy, how to not infect other people, how to keep from being anxious and depressed, or going broke, or how to be resourceful when supplies run out, there's only one thing I would add to the miasma that is this pandemic that turns our minds into hamster wheels.  And that is a simple reminder to look for the good things that sustain us in bad situations. We're allowed to find and focus on things that ease our minds if only for a little bit to take a break from the doom and gloom.  A friend in Denmark shared this "good thing" with me.
Social Distancing
So, what does a B&B host do when the B&B that is "open all year" succumbs to a pandemic and closes for four months? Having made two grocery stock-up trips last month with mask and gloves, I know we will not starve. And, one of the benefits of running a B&B is that I can always raid the rooms for toilet paper, toothpaste and soap if we get low. It's good to have options!  

Suddenly, I have more email than I can read in a day.  Dare I say that this nasty virus has brought people together and encouraged better communication? Hey, there's another one of those "good things". 
This is a picture my niece in Brooklyn, NY shared with me of her solo rooftop picnic.  Nice. 
It just happens to be the beginning of gardening season and aren't I lucky that I was tempted to buy some seeds back in February and thought to buy some planting mix before the stores were forced to close.  Hey, there's another good one.

Microgreens, Pak Choi and Spinach, so far
The beaches make a dandy place to get some fresh air and exercise this time of year without having to rub elbows with anyone, however, with more people furloughed from work now they are gaining in popularity.  

But with temps getting warmer, the back porch has been spruced up for Spring and makes a safe place to get fresh air and watch the garden unfold.

You should have seen it before...
Our lovely and talented neighbor has been entertaining us all on evening Facebook live-streams with anything from concerts to magic tricks and art and cooking lessons, Sarah-style. We can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

And, there are the usual lists of things I always mean to take care of during the winter, but never make the time.  I have the time now.  I think that's a "good thing". 

Last, but not least, "there's no place like home."

I hope this finds you well.

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